
Shaping Global Citizens


Education Beyond Borders


Exposure To New Cultures

Learning is only real when globalized. We live in a world that thrives on globalization and all it offers. Students and working professionals across the globe are working towards making their knowledge, skillset, and portfolio come across as adaptive to the entire world. Education and jobs are no longer restricted to a specific geographic limit; the more global experience you have in terms of work experience and education, the better.

Our Programmes

The school organises numerous global learning opportunities for students in the form of individual student exchange programmes, group exchange programmes, learning tours, etc. Some highlights include:

CBSE Jenesys Programme

The school takes active interest and participation in the CBSE-backed Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth Programme (JENESYS). As part of this programme, four students of Anand Vidya Vihar flew to Japan to take advantage of the global learning opportunity. Aman Gada, Yashaan Cooper, Asad Ali Kadri, and Achala Agrawal were the fortunate students to have gotten the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. Apart from the students, teachers such as Vandana Khattar also took part in this programme to learn new methods of knowledge sharing and imparting processes.

AFS - American Field Service Programme

AFS is a prestigious global student exchange programme as a part of which, students from AVV get the opportunity to travel abroad and study there for a year by staying at a local host's home, vice versa an international student visits India and studies at AVV for a year and resides at a student's home for the span of the academic year.
In recent times, Arundhati Shridhar, Jay Kalinani, Dhruvin Mehta, Divyangana Rathod, and Amisha Panchal visited foreign countries such as Italy, in exchange, our campus was graced with global students like Hannah.

Faculty Visit to United Kingdom

Name: Nalini Mahesh Iyer,
For global learning opportunities and faculty development.

Global Trips

Students are taken on international trips and tours to countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Italy, the UK, etc. These trips help students and faculty in getting global exposure, international learning, knowledge of new cultures, and more.

San Fransisco

The last leg of the US trip is at San Fransisco, the golden city, the beautiful city...... The way to this city is as breathtaking as is the city with large redwood trees, pristine river banks, smooth roads lined with coniferous trees and finally the golden bridge in the city!!!! The golden bridge, a wonderful hostel and a plethora of tourist places along with undulating roads is just the beginning to unravelling a city of mysteries...... The explorers are at it!!!!!!

Exchange Programmes

Exchange Programmes play an important role in our global learning avenues for students as well as faculty. These are yearly and consistent global undertakings organised by the school in partnership with various firms and organizations. Several groups of students and teachers from the school have been to countries like the USA, Italy, Japan, etc on multiple occasions since 2015.
Our respected principal, Miss Poornima Menon, has herself been to EduExcellence conferences in the UK and Australia in the last few years.

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